List Of Asian Countries

The first known script as Eveyla akuru script, which is found in historical recording of kings. The script used at present is called Thaana, which is said to be introduced during the reign of Mohamed Thakurufaanu and is written from right to left. Asia is the birthplace of all the world’s major religions—Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism—and of many minor ones. Of those, only Christianity developed primarily outside of Asia; it exerts little influence on the continent, though many Asian countries have Christian minorities. Buddhism has had a greater impact outside its birthplace in India and is prevalent in various forms in China, South Korea, Japan, the Southeast Asian countries, and Sri Lanka.

Regions Of Asia

The statement outlined the group’s goals in relation to nuclear nonproliferation, disarmament and peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The chairman addressed the commitment to a region free of weapons of mass destruction. On May, the 10th annual ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting was held in Vientiane, Laos. The Joint Declaration of the 10th ADMM reiterates all Member States’ commitment to responding effectively to transnational crimes and transboundary challenges. On August 5, the ASEAN released a statement of the development in the Korean Peninsula, reiterating grave concern over the escalation of tensions in the peninsula.

South Asia: Less Vulnerable To Global Financial Turmoil

The dam stands at 185 meters high and stretches for 2,335 meters across the Yangtze River. It supplies millions of homes, businesses, hospitals, and schools with safe, affordable electricity. Hyderabad has also invested extensively in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Biotechnology is the manipulation of living things to produce useful products, such as changing genetic material to create medicines.

Dubai’s population has grown rapidly to roughly 1.8 million in 2010 as a result of intense economic growth. A recent study by the National Geographic Society places China and Japan as the world’s leading consumers of seafood, at roughly 694 million and 582 million metric tons annually. Emphasizing that each fish species impacts the marine environment differently, the study measured each country’s “seafood print” based on the quantities and types of fish consumed. While Japan eats larger, higher-quality fish, China’s massive population is consuming smaller fish at a much higher rate. This is because China, along with many countries in Southeast Asia, is experiencing a rapid expansion of its middle class population.

Other Countries By Continent

Related to this, ASEAN submitted a Memorandum on Activities to demonstrate efforts undertaken through the SEANWFZ Treaty. On 24 March, the Philippines deposited its instrument of ratification to the ASEAN Convention on Counter-Terrorism , becoming the third state, after Singapore and Thailand, to ratify it. On 16 November, Brazil deposited its instrument of ratification of the Third Protocol Amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia . On 19 February, the Chairman of ASEAN issued a statement expressing concern over the DPRK’s underground nuclear test. He further called for the DPRK to remember its obligations under United Nations Security Council Resolutions, and emphasized the importance of dialogue in resolving the tension in the Korean Peninsula.

The meeting discussed the situation in Southeast Asia after the Vietnam cease-fire and proposed the holding of a 10-nation conference of ASEAN members, the Indochina countries and Burma. Since the governments in Southeast Asia have been the biggest public sector investors in education, through public-funded educational institutions, they have been the largest employment provider. They have set their own preferences and priorities, in accordance to their general framework of manpower planning, in deciding what type of graduates and in which fields of specialization they want to employ them. The pattern in Southeast Asian countries has been well established, that is, there is a higher demand for science graduates than the social sciences and the humanities. But amongst the latter there is no clear, expressed demand for Southeast Asian studies graduates. However, there seems to be a significant demand for the inclusion of the Southeast Asian studies content in all the non-natural science courses at the undergraduate level in most of the government-funded academic institutions in Southeast Asia.

This knowledge, therefore, becomes indispensable both to those who study Southeast Asia and its society as well as to the Southeast Asian themselves. A more generalized demand for knowledge on Southeast Asian societies relates to marketing and this trend must not be underrated with the recent expansion of the middle class in the region. As the markets and clients in Southeast Asia become more sophisticated the need for in-depth knowledge on sectors of the Southeast Asia societies has increased. This in turn has increased the demand for graduates who have followed courses related to Southeast Asian studies. It has been observed that the Japanese seem to be regular consumers of knowledge on Southeast Asia.

The ASEAN Regional Forum is an important multilateral forum for political and security consultations and cooperation. The ARF has begun to explore activities where there is overlap between confidence-building measures and preventive diplomacy. ASEAN Member States are urged to settle disputes through friendly negotiations applying the procedures of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation of 1976. However, the Member States are not obliged to use the Treaty stipulations for the peaceful settlement of disputes.


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